Monday, September 28, 2009

Wow, it's been a long time ....

When I looked at my blog and saw it had been such a long time since I posted here, I wondered where the time had gone!! I also post a lot on Facebook and perhaps that has just taken up too much time. I enjoy reading blogs and have some to catch up on now, too. I don't like to post too much since it seems like those who come back from a trip with lots and lots of photos and want to share them ... and while some are great, others are more for the one who is sharing them than the one who is viewing them. (Although my sister and sisters-in-law are the exception -- they have taken scrapbooking to an excellent art and there is always a story in their photos!!

The past month has been one of the longest and fastest months all at the same time! Wow .. I've been to Ohio and back -- that spread over almost three weeks -- visited my dad for several days, spent days with old friends (CampMeeting Kids Reunion), shared with friends whose father was making his final crossing into heaven, almost got flooded into or out of Atlanta .. wow! What rain!! A drought last year, no drought this year!!

Here it is .. almost the end of September .. which reminds me of so many birthdays in this month. Today, for example, is my cousin, Carol Hixson, and Bob's nephew, Brent Smith's birthdays. The beginning of the month -- wow ... Shaley (Rachel's), the 9th, Rachel and Bob's, the 10th, Kamen and Joel Ryans (Joel's grandson) on the 11th, and little Liam's (Joel's grandson) arrival on the 14th. Roxanne's was on the 23rd and I'm sure I am probably missing others -- oh, yes, and my cousin, Gary's, is on the 30th! I thought November was a busy month .. but September has certainly passed it up, I believe.

It's always fun to spend some time at Rachel's even though I will get trounced handily in a video game .. we still have to play Nintendo 64 as the new games are all Greek to me .. oh, then again, I don't think there are any instructions in Greek, are there?!! We have a great time .. since my mother is gone, I think the role of surrogate grandmother is mine and I do enjoy it. I don't usually get to play for more than an hour the whole visit but the kids seem to accept that as sufficient.

It was Shaley's 13th birthday while I was there so she and I had some 'girl time' at Steak 'n Shake. A neat time as she shares some of things she is going through at this stage of her life. I am so glad for the freedom she has in sharing openly with me .. about 'guys', about life, etc. Rachel has done a great job raising her kids and I'm glad to be a part of their lives. It seems that we just have this great big family -- Rachel is closer to my girls ages than to mine (especially the older two) so she has a close friendship with them. Her kids look to her as "Aunt Sandi" at times, but they are actually cousins. With the age difference, it seems that the roles are different but actually aren't. :)

I got to be with Jacinta and her new little guy -- even got to be with her at her first doctor's (pediatrician) appointment (photo at the top). I am soo glad I went with her - -everyone was tied up that day and I was getting ready to head home. But the timing was right and there are so many things to do -- forms to fill out -- on the first appointment so I helped take him to be weighed, etc. The doctor (one of the best pediatricians I've met, a lady probably in her mid-30's) asked me if I was in the medical field. I told her 'no' and she said, "But you understand everything I have talked about." I assured her that four daughters, eight grandchildren, and one great gave me a lot of experience!

Interruption ... Kasi and Roxanne came by for a little while .. Ava's birthday is right around the corner -- can you believe she will be a year old on October 28th .. a month from today!! She's starting to walk and has quite a vocabulary already.

So much for today ... will have to catch up more later .. lol!

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