Thursday, November 8, 2007

A boat ... a piano thing????

I heard Sandi say to Tyler today, "Nana's not gonna like that!!" He assured her he knew it would be just fine. Sandi: "You better ask Nana!" Tyler: "Nana, can I use your piano 'thing' for a boat?"

Okay, what was my piano 'thing'? Actually, it was my organ bench and he had already turned it upside down -- somehow without losing the contents to the floor in the process. I haven't quite figured that out. He wasn't that far from me but I had no clue. Not only had he turned it over, he had very nicely fixed a cushioned seat in his 'boat' and was well ready for his voyage -- to somewere!

I'm sure I heard him say, "Here we blow ..." Or maybe it was "Here we go ..." He was quite happy in his boat and it kept him occupied for a while!
That is, until he came to find me to share his exercises with me and was convinced that I could do them as well. There was the 'twirl' and the 'jug in place' (he was jogging but he shared it as 'jug'); he put his hands over his head to do the 'shell', swung his arms back and forth to do the 'panda' ... and then showed me how to do Yoga. He decided that I must be a visual person so he drew it out for me! I'm not sure where he learned it but he knew how it should look!
So, I think I have had my education for the day! Who knows what tomorrow may bring. Actually, I will be driving to Atlanta so hopefully, all the crazy people will be off the roads -- except for this one! Pray that I will stay sane for the day!

I have a challenge!!

I have a challenge for you who are married … you may think I am a little crazy and for those of you who know us well, that could definitely be a possibility. As opposite as Bob and I are from each other, life has had its challenges and benefits!

We have spent a lot of time together over the years – working together in business and in ministry. We have spent countless hours traveling together – and other than typical issues that face most married couples, those times have been times we have cherished. (Although Bob would tell you that it is a challenge for me to be riding in a car with him – he sleeps while I drive; I nag while he drives. I have admitted it – I feel better now!)

However, usually we have been plagued by cell phones and emails. We never quite felt like we were cut off from the world – there was always that connection with everyone and we always felt compelled to answer any phone that rang. And we were busy – oh, so busy!

Jump forward to now … when I visit Bob on weekends, there is one constant – no cell phones and no computers. No interruptions other than guys wanting to share what Bob means to them or introducing family members to us. Other than that, we are “alone” to ourselves – no interruptions by phone calls – no connection with the outside world – for about 6-1/2 hours.

We have always enjoyed being together over the years -- for the most part. (I’m being honest and most of you would have to admit that as well!) We’ve had similar interests along with our children and grandchildren being at the top of our conversation list. But, when you are together for over six hours with no interruptions or distractions, you find that you really haven’t spent as much time talking over the years as you thought. Fifteen minutes here and there – maybe a few hours at a time.

I thoroughly enjoy these 6-1/2 hours – and we do that two days in a row – this weekend, it will be three days in a row since it is a holiday weekend. So, we will have almost 20 hours together!! Uninterrupted!! I will be taking a puzzle for sure. As much as we enjoy talking, after a while, we find that we are talked out for a little bit. I can hear people saying, “No way. I wouldn’t run out of something to say!” Okay, I challenge you to try it – turn off cell phones and let everyone know you are unavailable for six hours. No computer – no connection with the outside world. Now, sit yourself across from your spouse and spend the next 6+ hours talking. It is wonderful and the first couple hours are filled with conversation. And yet, there are times of simple quietness when the atmosphere of being together is enough. It’s amazing how simply putting a puzzle together without much conversation is exhilarating – okay, I know, that sounds a little odd. But, I’m not a very good puzzle person, so someone near might hear an “I found one!” until I cover my mouth and hope nobody around thinks I’m crazy! Bob just smiles and says, “Yes, you did!” as he continues to methodically put the puzzle together – what more would you expect?

And that’s why I was blessed when he told me this week the simple statement, “You complete me.” And it’s not just about putting a puzzle together – but about our life together!

So, on Saturday morning, you will find me sitting at ‘our table’, waiting on Bob to arrive with his smile and tight embrace and I know that we will talk about things that are truly important more than ever before – because now we know the value of words and of time together.

I would love to know if anyone would take this challenge .. I think you will be surprised by realizing that perhaps you haven’t talked for any length of time … You will be blessed – hopefully!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A very profound question!!

I love it when grandkids ask profound questions. I'm not sure where this one ranks but it was a good one ...

Tyler: "Nana, did you ever know your parents?"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It runs in the family ....

I was looking through photos today and saw this one ... I showed it to Shonna since, in the first photo, RJ looks so much like Rudy does now. She thought I was showing her a photo of Rudy!! Wow!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Timing is everything .... sometimes!!

I talked to Marley this evening who told me that she had an interesting assignment in literature today ... the instruction was to write an essay on --- "Who is your best friend? Why is that person your best friend?" After Saturday's challenges, Marley found it so very interesting that this was their assignment and told me that by the end of the day, she and Meredith were on excellent terms again -- back to being "best buds" again! She was excited to share that bit of news with me!

Timing ... it was great for her but you would think I would learn NOT to go to K-Mart at 10:30am -- it's close enough to 11am to be a little dangerous! Sandi was with me and I asked her why I wasn't learning -- maybe it was because we decided to do the 'mall walk' around 9:45am as were quite a few other older souls ... yes, I said 'other'! I guess I have to start to accept that I am getting a little older. This weekend, I have to add another year .. yikes!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hormones and bottles ...

Well ... yesterday was another one of 'those' days which actually turned out to be a good day even in the middle of hormones and baby bottles!

It started as it typically does when I go to Teri's to stay with kids -- how many kids will be there when I arrive? Perhaps I should just make a game out of it? I was fairly certain that there would be four -- but when I arrived, I ran into two girls that do not live there! (Would there be six??) It was two friends of Marley's who Teri told me would be leaving shortly. ("Shortly" is always relative to Teri!)

Marley was having a hard time since her shopping excursion with her friend, Meredith had been nixed due to an issue with her parents. (I didn't ask what it was -- I've done my time where that is concerned so don't need to know!) Anyway, she was unhappy and was in her parents' bedroom. I went in to talk to her and assured her that we could have a good time in the middle of the 'bad' time. She had told her mother she was certain she would be bored all day! (And probably at her age, I would have been of the same mind set!)

Not long after that, one of the other girls let me know that Marley was emotionally distraught so I went to check on her -- Teri wasn't gone yet but was trying to get ready to leave. (I won't go there since one of the differences between Teri and me -- I leave or arrive on time -- she doesn't -- and she won't mind me sharing that, I'm sure.)

Here's where hormones come in -- or at least, the early stages of hormones (does that make any sense?) Come to find out, Bailey was trying to locate something in one of Marley's dresser drawers and came upon her diary. She didn't read it but set it on the bed -- and, yup, you got it ... her best friend did what best friends should never do without permission ... she read aloud some from Marley's diary. Marley was mortifed and understandably so. At that point, I don't think she was too disappointed in losing shopping privileges since the gal she was to shopping with had just violated her privacy.

And so we started the day ... Rudy acted like he remembered who I was -- had a great smile for me and actually was quite responsive when I took him. He's a bubbly type of guy -- from personality to actually blowing bubbles -- isn't that what six month old babies like to do?! And he actually made the decision that bottles could be for him if that's the best I could do. So, one of the bottles, he inhaled in about five minutes. I'm not sure if I was more startled that he was taking it so well or he was when it was empty so quickly!!

Marley and I had some great Nana / granddaughter talks where you listen more than anything and she shared lots of what is going on and how she views situations with friends, etc. At one point, Rudy was asleep on my lap in the nursery and she came into the room. I asked her if she needed anything and she said, "No ..." But she sat down and we just talked ... it's fun to talk to an eleven year old child (going on 25!) We laughed at some pretty funny things that had happened at their church and her perspective on them! She told me how she'd like to write a blog so I did some research and set her up with a blogsite where only those she invites can view her blog and any comments will be emailed to her mother. (That will keep her on he toes for sure!) However, all of this was based on her mother's approval -- which she gave when she arrived home and knew we had taken extra care to protect Marley.) I received my invitation to visit her blog today! I helped her set it up and then she was off and running -- she knew how to download and upload more quickly than I did. Okay, why should I be surprise, I know!! I asked her if she had been bored -- I guess she summed it up on one of her posts -- "My nana came today -- and I had sooooo much fun!!"

I was wondering where Regan and Bailey a couple times during the day -- they are usually not very quiet. But, they were playing 'dolls' and playing very peaceably! Wow! Again -- I'm not sure whether I was more surprised or they were!

It's so interesting to observe your grandchildren as they develop their own personalities and interests. Each one is so different -- From Kasi to Rudy -- 16-1/2 years between them -- I enjoy each one and the things that make that one special! We have eight of them -- eight different personalities -- and in some cases, reflections of their mothers! And that can be scary!! Although in a couple cases, they are reflections of their aunts. Like RJ, who acts just like his Aunt Teri ... knowing exactly what button to push with Tyler! Sandi instructed Tyler, "You just walk away." I was listening to the two kids a couple days ago and I heard Tyler say, "I know, I just need to walk away." I was pretty sure that RJ was pushing that button again .. and then smiling all so sweetly!

I am so glad that they are grandchildren ... I can love 'em and hand 'em back!! Yesterday, I was with four of them in Winter Haven. Today I was with the other four here ... I am indeed blessed!