Thursday, January 15, 2009

In celebration!

Roxanne put together (with Sandi's help -- we all get Sandi to help us do these kinds of things) a book of letters from family and friends for Chris's 40th birthday. What a neat gift that will mean much over the years!

She also included quite a few photos of his life -- as you can see, Kamen was quite intrigued by it, too.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rambling ... and a special Happy 40th Birthday to Chris!

I try to write something every day but have felt quite short of that over the past week as I have been busy with other things that seemed to demand my attention. Work, for instance! Off and running and I guess that is great but I think I am tired already ... well, just for today anyway!

I find that so much of my life revolves around grandchildren -- and that is fun. I got a call from Teri's phone on Sunday evening and I was expecting Teri's voice when I heard 9 year old Bailey ask, "Nana .. it's time for Girl Scout cookies. Do you want to order some?" What do you think my answer was?

As I was typing this, my phone rang again but this time it was from Marley's phone. Expecting to hear her voice, I hear Teri's voice laughing almost hysterically at Marley's response to a Staples' ad that had just shown during a break in American Idol. It would be a little long to share here but needless to say, it brought much laughter.

RJ was at our house after school today and he was having a great time talking to Ava and she was responding. Kasi was a little intrigued when RJ told her that he was going to be a dad soon. She said, "What?" He added, "When I get big, I'm gonna be a dad!" We breathed a sigh of relief!

Today is Chris's 40th birthday .. he doesn't know yet about a special gift he will be receiving. (He will soon so I am safe in sharing it here.) Roxanne put together a memory book for him with letters from family and friends. I wrote a letter, too, but told him I wasn't sure I was real thrilled he was turning 40 as now three of my four sons-in-law are over 40!! I think I'm beginning to feel old -- actually, I was doing that after our great-granddaughter was born!

However, Happy Birthday, Chris!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I Want My Mommy

Ava is only 2-1/2 months old but she already has figured out how to let her mommy know that she wants her now! She puckers up her lower lip and if she doesn't get a quick response, she lets loose with a plaintive wail!! I had no idea a baby that young could express her desire so well! She looks right at Kasi when she puckers up!

On the other hand, as we were eating dinner this evening, she was in her little jumper seat beside me. She wanted my attention most of the time and her little arms were flapping and she was making that jumper jump!! She even managed some conversation and I let her know I understood perfectly! Right!

She's a little sweetie and I'm sure she will be spoiled quickly!!