Okay .. so the title makes absolutely no sense, right. Wheel of Fortune is on right now and I noticed that it was filmed in Hawaii and that brought back memories of a couple visits we made to Hawaii.
The first one was in 2000 right during the presidential election. Bob and I had absentee voted (is that how you say it?) and since there is a substantial time difference, we went to dinner thinking that by the time we got back, we would have a president. Well, suffice it to say, even though we didn't return home for a few days, we were still in limbo! And being from the state of Florida did not help things at all. I told friends that when people asked where we were from, we said, "Florida" and then ducked for cover!
We returned to Hawaii five years ago to go on a cruise with my sister, Rachel, and her husband, Allen. Allen was celebrating his fortieth birthday (guess that tells you how old he is!), they were celebrating their 20th anniversary and Bob and I were celebrating our 35th anniversary.
We decided to incorporate visiting churches while we were there. Bob had read "Let Go of the Ring" written by Ralph Moore and was quite fascinated and inspired by the story of "Hope Chapel" in Hawaii. So, we chose to visit two Hope Chapel campuses while we were there -- one on the front end of the trip and one on the back. What an experience that was!! (Click on "Hope Chapel" above to visit their site.)
One of the intriguing things I found was that they roped off the seats -- almost to the front and as each of those rows were filled, they would move the rope back. (Stretchy type of rope.) And people seemed very comfortable with that -- what a great idea! Somehow I think people in our churches might just jump the rope and say, "I'm a back seat person!" No one did it there nor seemed concerned that they might have to sit near the front.
If you get a chance to read Ralph Moore's book, you will be inspired ... as he describes how they plant churches and even how they fund those churches.