Monday, November 9, 2009

A Big Happy Birthday to .....

.. to family members who have birthdays in November!! There are quite a few and I have the feeling I am missing a couple .. I think Bob's niece, Marcia's, is in November but not sure of the date. But, for those I remember, I'm going to just post photos with their birthdays (the date) and wish them all a Big Happy Birthday!! If my mother were still living, she would be calling us early in the morning (for the siblings, at least) and reminding us to call! We have to admit that it was a little annoying so sometimes we tried to make the birthday calls early so we could convince her that we indeed did remember! lol!! Now that she is gone, we've really done well in keeping up those traditions!

Of course, I have to try not to think about mine .. since this is one of those big milestones you would rather not remember -- but I'm sure there will be several reminding me!!! Oh, well ...

Bill, Bob's brother, celebrated his birthday on November 3rd as well as Kasi ..

Kellina, Mark's daughter, (below) is celebrating on November 14th...

followed by her dad, Mark, on the 15th...

Allen and Mark II (below) celebrate on November 21st ..

and Bob's sister, Linda, on the 24th.

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