Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, R.J.!

Actually, R.J.'s birthday isn't until the 11th -- see, Shonna, I remembered!! He was born late at night - I believe shortly after midnight so the 10th sort of stuck in my mind! It's hard to believe that he is now 5 years old! Yet, he's quite the little guy!! He can keep up a great conversation with me -- and still calls Bob, "Hon"! (Yup, he got that from me!!)

He loves to send me emails and sometimes I get long text messages. Do they say anything in particular? No ... the usually look like this ... lubnsomrepn2idmbs'nbiqgh!!?? eivh0-dm.... fjslbgjgal8s9e3ns.

However, as any parents or grandparent knows, we can translate that in a heartbeat. It says, "Hi, Nina! How was your day? I am fine ... I love you!" So, I text or email him back a message that says, "Ditto" .. but in a few more words than that.

He's in the front in the photo above.

I love it when I tell him goodbye whenever they drop by and I'll say, "I love you R.J." ... His response is, "I lov, too!" All sort of run together but I know exactly what he is saying.

One day, he was trying to call his other grandmother (Bernie Keeling) and she didn't answer so he announced to me, "I will leave her a voice message." On the phone he stated clearly, "Hello. I am leaving you a voice message! I am coming to your house!"

I don't get to see the grandkids as often these days so have to resort to the text messages or an email other than phone calls. So, today, I wanted to take a moment and simply say,

"Hi, R.J. Happy Birthday ... I love you!"

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