Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If you've never had a toothache ...

... don't even bother to read this post because it probably won't mean a thing to you. I have had one -- I've had an abcessed tooth that was more painful that I can begin to describe. (I associated the pain a little with childbirth! Actually, a whole lot!!!) So when Roxanne showed me her swollen face today, I knew there was need for immediate attention and action. However, when you don't have dental insurance and money is not growing on trees in your yard, getting treatment can be somewhat of a challenge. Our county health department has a dental clinic -- for children! And since Roxanne is over 35 (a little ways), we didn't think she qualified for treatment as a child.

We began making calls -- we have a friend who is a dentist down in Lake Wales (about an hour from here.) But, Roxanne would have difficulty getting there and they couldn't work her in until tomorrow. Her face was swelling almost moment by moment ... Chris was finally able to get in touch with a parent of students at Northside (where Chris is the dean of students). The parent is a dentist and was able to work her in immediately with a "No charge" at the end of the appointment. She does go back on Friday for a root canal but for tonight, she is supplied with antibiotics and Tylenol 3. That has already begun to give her some relief.

I did not plan to post photos -- as soon as I saw her come back in from the dentist (and also having empathy for her), I grabbed my camera so she could look back on this after she felt better. She immediately stated firmly, "This better not show up on your blog!!" I assured her it wouldn't and didn't plan to. But, the more we looked at the photos and the more tickled I got trying to take the photos -- I tried not to laugh and she was trying not to laugh but couldn't help herself --so, it was, "Go ahead and put 'em on there!!" So ... here they are ... the whole 'tooth' of the matter!

1 comment:

Vonnie said...

Awwww, poor thing! I'm so sorry!