Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Youth Camp Devotionals

This may be of no interest but I thought I would include it in case it does -- a long post, probably! But, I'm always so intrigued by the great spiritual growth during the youth camp. Of course, there are fun times, too ... Like last night (during 'after hours' fun -- about 9pm or so) when Sandi said she laughed until she couldn't talk! "S.A.C.'s Top Model" .. and "S.A.C.'s Got Talent"!! (South Atlantic Conference for those who might not know.)

But, thought I would share just the devotionals and the Timothy Track. This does not include the many workshops and the evening sessions. Every year, Sandi has given Bob her theme and her theme verses and he has developed the devotionals from there. The Timothy Track, she developed completely. Already, young people are responding. And I am always anxious, when they get home, what great things God accomplished throughout the week! They are halfway through now -- hard to believe it has gone this fast!!

So ... here are the devotions for yesterday -- sort of behind, huh? Sorry ...

INK'd -- Tattooed on Your Heart

Devotions for Youth Camp -- Tuesday

2 Corinthians 3:3: "Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This 'letter' is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts."

Jeremiah 31:33: "But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day," says the Lord. "I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."

Becoming a Real Christian

Unreality -- temporary (world is passing away -- I John 2:17, "And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.")

1. Getting a label or a tag (barcode religion)
2. Getting new clothes -- dress for id
3. Infatuation -- never lasts

Reality -- permanent

1. Repentence / Humility
2 Corinthians 7:9: "Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you, but because the pain caused you to repent and change your ways. It was the kind of sorrow God wants his people to have, so you were not harmed by us in any way."

2. Letting God Love You
I John 4:10: "This is real love -- not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."

3. Learning to Love God
Matthew 22:37: "Jesus replied, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind'."

4. Getting Wisdom Ink'd on your heart
Proverbs 3:3: "Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart!"
Proverbs 7:2-3: "Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. Tie them on your fingers as a reminder."

Write them deep within your heart!
Learning to think like God -- Act like God -- ReAct like God.

Wisdom -- "Real" Christians are those whose life is permanently "ink'd" by God.


It's time for a REALITY CHECK!

*Has your Christianity been based on the "unreal" (temporary)?

*Can you recall a time when Christ was "Ink'd" on your heart?

If so: When was that?
(Describe time / place /

*What steps have you taken towards spiritual growth? (Bible study, prayer, Sunday School, youth group, accountability, etc.)

*What areas do you need to work on (what separates you from growing in Christ)?

*Find someone that you trust and share these things with them so they can help encourage you and help hold you accountable!

If not:
~Why? (what is holding you back?)
~Do you understand that we all have sinned and that Christ died and provided forgiveness for us?
~If you talked to God right now, what do you want to say?

Are you ready to ask for forgiveness and accept His free gift of salvation?

If so, why don't you find someone to pray with you right now!

If not, why don't you find someone to talk over the questions you have!


Timothy Track (for those going into ministry or wanting a deeper walk)

Finding Your Mentor

A mentor is a life coach -- one who can train and explain and model - 2 Timothy 1:2,5

"(2) I am writing to Timothy, my dear son. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace. (5) I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you."

I. Mentors lead by influence and inspiration rather than by control.

Early mentors are:
~Parents / Teachers -- from control (parents) to (teachers) inspiration.
~Peers -- mentors of adolescence and teens
~Heroes -- ultimate mentors

II. We only temporarily follow those who control us but will give our life to those who inspire us.
~Paul became Timothy's life-long mentor.

III.We adopt the character of our mentor.
~Character is "caught" more than "taught".

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