Sunday, November 25, 2007

Two plus three x two equals noise!!!

Okay ... you take my two girls (well, they are grown -- 31 and 33 years old), add three boys (ages 16, 20 and 23) and my two grandsons, ages 6 months and two years and it produces .. noise!! And lots of fun!! Of course, I had my camera handy and caught a few poses along the way! At midnight last night, they were just beginning to wind down -- Rudy actually fell asleep around 8:30 and slept through all the excitement. The three boys and my brother, Tim, had a great time entertaining or teasing RJ who was not in any hurry to settle down for the evening. Hopefully, he will get some sleep tonight -- or maybe it will be good if he doesn't and he will sleep all the way home tomorrow!
Christopher and Rudy -- the oldest and youngest of the boys seemed to strike up quite a friendship!! All is quiet this evening as the three oldest boys and Shonna headed out to a movie. RJ is hangin' out with Aunt Teri and Rudy!
It's been a nice weekend -- and thanks to my sister-in-law, Susan, who whipped a dinner for nine last night and ten tonight!
Tomorrow, we'll head for home -- it's been rainy here in Atlanta today but they have needed rain so badly that it has truly been a blessing.
Guess I won't ramble any more --

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