Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tasha Lee ....

That is the name that Tyler has given his baby sister -- except that his parents seem to know nothing about this other than what he is telling them. He is emphatic that he will have a new baby sister by next Christmas. I think his mom is a little scared about this since he prayed for snow in Indiana and they got a blizzard -- does that mean that there might actually be a baby sister and that it might even be twins?!

Grandchildren make life so interesting and lots of fun ... at least, for the most part. I was raised with four brothers but I think my three grandsons who live nearby have way more energy than my four brothers did! Or maybe I was too entranced by 'guys' to be too stressed by active brothers. Who knows?

By the way, I love the song, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" ... but our weather hasn't cooperated too much so I guess I'll just have to rely on the 'look' of brilliantly decorated homes and long lines at the shopping centers. With lows in the 60's and highs in the mid-70's, it just doesn't lend itself for even using our fireplace! Oh, well .. I should be happy I'm not shoveling snow or scraping ice off the windshields. I'll trade singing that song any day before I'd want to do that on a regular basis.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Bette said...

I really think you were probably younger when you were with those 4 brothers than you are now watching 3 active grandsons. Ya think???? Love ya Linda,,,,bft

Anonymous said...

What awesome Christmas memories you have made this week with your beautiful family.
I've tremendously enjoyed reading about them.
God Bless and Keep you all.
Sue(from yahoo 360*)