Which brings up something else from my plane trip home on Sunday. We were getting ready to get off the plane when I heard someone refer to 'the kitchen sink' across the aisle from me. I thought they were using some cliche' since they seemed to have some heavy luggage with them. I found out -- the indeed had a 'sink' in one of the bags!
Okay ... so back to 'stuff'! I found two more boxes of my mother's things so when Rachel arrives on Monday afternoon, we will once again begin the task of going through more 'stuff' and trying to decide what we keep and what we don't. If we are going to just simply set it aside for another 10 years, I suppose we might as well get rid of it -- but, then again, I am a little hesitant. Come on, Sandi ... I'll look the other way and you can get rid of it for me.
I was going through my closet yesterday -- boy, have I gotten off track ... anyway, I have one of these long walk in closets that had clothes stretched the entire length of the closet. (On rods, of course ... for the most part anyway). I realize that some of the clothes would have to stretch to fit me so we began a purging process -- that doesn't sound good since I've heard that term related to unhealthy dieting. Believe me, that was not the case here. Sandi told me that the rule of thumb must be that I really LOVE it enough to keep it or actually fit into it. (Some I kept to keep me motivated to get the weight off!) I won't tell you how many bags I took to the Salvation Army but the man who was accepting donations told me that he was really glad I had less than the car in front of me which had 30 bags! Don't worry -- it was MUCH less than that! I can actually get around my closet much easier -- I do have lots of boxes in my bathroom -- which is large enough to put a double bed in it! I'm actually getting organized and have as my goal to have it done by tomorrow afternoon. We'll see if I accomplish that!!
Back to grandmothers ... in the middle of the photos I found the first photo of our three oldest girls with my grandmother. Shonna was not born yet -- Teri is in the front along with Roxanne and Sandi. What a neat photo! Then I found the other two photos that were taken at Christmas time with our eight grandchildren!
Sometimes circumstances are not exactly as we had planned -- we've found that to be quite true over the past couple years. And I will be entering a new phase of life in October -- that of being a great-grandmother. I'm not sure I'm ready for that title -- don't you have to be 'old' to be a great-grandmother?? Not necessarily ... whatever the case, I want my role as grandmother and great-grandmother to be the very best role I can fill.
I think we need a special day to honor grand-mother's. Oh, there is one already? It seems to come and go rather unnoticed. Maybe we can start a petititon -- everyone else seems to send out petitions by email (don't you get tired of those?) So, no, don't think I'll do that ...
I think I'll go back to just enjoying my kids and grandkids ... I'm too busy to do much else! And I do love it!
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