Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"The Ark of the Governor"

I love it when grandkids come up with the cutest things -- my dad asks me often, "What cute things have your grandkids said recently?"

So, here's the latest from Tyler, who will be 8 in November:
He sat down next to Sandi this morning and said, "Hey, Mom. Can you explain more about the 'Ark of the Governor'?"

Sandi was stumped. She had no clue what he was talking about so repeated it back to him. "The 'Ark of the Governor'?"

He said, "You know, Mom. That thing that's holy -- that you're not supposed to touch it and if you touch it, you die." (He demonstrated the 'die' with a slice at his throat.)

Tim spoke up, "You mean the 'Ark of the Covenant'?"

Tyler was quick to respond. "Yeah, the 'Ark of the Covenant'."
I'm sure that when I hear about the 'Ark of the Covenant', this conversation will pop into my mind!!