Monday, September 29, 2008


I don't think there is anything quite like sisters (other than daughters!) My sister, Rachel, is almost 15 years younger than I am but we truly are the closest of friends. I thought about that again today after we talked on the phone for almost an hour. (Thankfully, we were both on Verizon cell phones!) We are able to talk about personal issues and since she (and my brother, Joel) is my dad's primary care resource, we can discuss those challenges as well. Our dad is in a nursing home but he calls on Rachel frequently to take care of picking up something he needs (or thinks he needs).
Today she shared some funny experiences with their kids -- they were "keepers" and she probably would win some prize somewhere for sharing them -- but it won't be here!

I'm not sure how she keeps up with her schedule -- two girls in college, piano lessons for three (about an hour away from home), volleyball games, church meetings, funerals (two this week!), etc., etc. And, of course, keeping a household of 4 children (at home) fed. Today, she was running errands so we talk while she drove!
It's hard to believe that her oldest is 21 -- then again, it's hard to believe that my oldest is 38! I'm glad our girls have these kinds of relationships -- with four girls, our oldest two are close -- and our youngest two are close -- except those two were far from being close during the growing up years! They can share some stories -- and have!! Scary!
Okay, so now I'm beginning to feel old so think I'll stop for now!

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