Remember my expressing a need for a sound proof room .. a trumpet had somehow accompanied Kamen home! Well, today, he proudly marched in with an oboe -- and not all the sound that came out of that instrument was necessarily pleasant to the ears and I began to wonder why the trumpet had taken flight to somewhere.
Come to find out, the music teacher sends home a different instrument every two weeks -- this gives the students an opportunity to find their instrument of choice -- wonder if that's related to the old buzz term, trying to 'find yourself'.
I don't think Kasi was here the evening he brought home the trumpet since just a few moments ago, she begged him to take "that thing to your room"!! Maybe the 'kids' room is more sound proof than I thought or Kamen gave up momentarily.
I understand that drums are somewhere on the docket ...You may hear me then reminding myself for the need of that 'soundproof room' although Chris assures me that Kamen will bring home some sort of drum pad that will keep the noise level down. We shall see!
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