Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Roxanne -- Super Woman!!!

Roxanne needed to take a large table over to Sandi's today in preparation for a baby shower for Kasi on Sunday. Sandi was going to come over and help her but Roxanne decided to play the role of "Super Woman" and load it and take it over all by herself. I told her she was crazy -- since I'm stuck in a wheelchair or walker, I couldn't very well help her. So, as she passed my way, I grabbed my camera to her, "Oh, Mom!!"

Oh, by the way, those are Christmas decorations still up on my mantle! I thought I would keep the "Joy" all year long! I'm not sure why I forgot to take it down -- but it is a reminder to all who enter to smile. (Okay, that sounds cheesy! Oh, well!)

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