Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jumping from a plane??? Yikes!!

My brother, Joel, did exactly that at 4:30pm yesterday afternoon and was safely on the ground by 4:37pm. (The trip is "officially" five minutes long.) He jumped from 5,000 and was securely fastened to a very experienced jumper. He said there was some anxiety as they 'shoved off' .. although he said you just sort of lean out of the plane and you are on your way. He thought he closed his eyes for a couple minutes but then he began to look around and said the trip down was awesome.

He said it was very loud during the free fall (50 seconds) but after the parachute opened, it was suddenly very quiet and they just floated through the air. He was intrigued by how the experienced jumper guided them -- making turns this way and that and landed right on target.

This trip was a 50th birthday gift from his kids, Jacinta and Joel II. Joel II (better know to all of us as Joey) rode in the plane with him so was able to videotape part of the trip.

Joel said it was fun -- and he probably would do it again. I could assure him that there is not another sibling who would ever join him!!!

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