Friday, January 14, 2011

Interesting discussions ...

We just spent a couple days with Teri's children (which I probably shared in a previous post -- oh, yes, about the taxi service!) It seems that the most fun times are just sitting and talking and watching the girls responses (Rudy is still a little young to be in the 'older' conversations) to tales of when we were young -- especially when Bob was young.

It seems that Regan who is 13 has a great interest in boys -- a GREAT interest and I say "boys" because she may 'like' three or four different boys in a week. (I find it interesting that the word 'dating' has such a different meaning than it did when we were kids. It is typically associated with 'I like this guy' now.) So, I thought it was time that she heard Bob's story about how many girls he 'liked' or 'dated' during his younger years. He thinks there might have been about 200 .. give or take a few. That seems foreign to me since, except for just a couple boys, I was pretty well committed to him (Bob) from the time I was about 16 years old. I'll admit that for a while prior to 'falling for him', I thought the girls who followed him around were a little crazy -- and yet, as Marley and Regan reminded me, "You married him!"

They were further intrigued (to the point of gales of laughter) to know that girls his brother dated, Bob had usually dated previously including Bill's wife, Barb. They found that highly amusing!

I thought that my life to them must have been rather boring although I have some great stories but they don't seem to compete with a papaw who girls loved to be around during those teenage years. Of course, I've told Bob that I would much prefer having a spouse who was at least interesting to people (not that I want an entourage of 'groupies' following us around) rather than someone complete boring!

Now how's this for rambling on a Friday morning -- I do need to get to work!!

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