Friday, February 8, 2008

Was it just yesterday ...

That I was following those three little boys you saw below around camp meetings!! I was talking with John and Katrina Brewer yesterday about the 1960 Wesleyan Holiness camp in Wichita, Kansas. I remember friends like the Sander family -- all of them -- Judy States Jackson (for some reason, I don't remember Larry - sorry!) Marilyn Cook Darnell was my best friend during those years. John mentioned that it was coming up on the 50 year reunion and I wanted to stand up and shout, "There's no way it has been 50 years!!" I remember as a ten year old dreading the day my dad would turn 50 years old because he would surely die! Well .. I have passed the 50 year mark quite a while back and my dad is still alive and going .. well, I'm not sure I would describe him as particularly 'strong' although his mind is as sharp as it has always been. I'm amazed at what he remembers!! We take quite a few strolls down memory lane these days. I was with him this past weekend and there were some, "Do you remember when ...." moments. Most of the time, there was laughter! Laughter has always been a big part of our family -- anyone who has heard my dad preach over the years knows that laughter has been a great part of his ministry! So ... even at this stage of his life when there are lots of difficulties, we try to steer him back to the laughter from time to time.

When I was talking with the Brewers, we remembered Glen Griffith and Victor Glenn. Those men stayed were special friends and stayed in our home. In the holiness movement, most are not on a 'first name' basis. They primarily are "Bro." and "Sis." I found it interesting at a young age to hear Bro. Griffith (as I knew him) call my dad, "Dick". That was their relationship and he was a special part of my life. Maybe that's because I always gave up my bedroom when he came to visit!

Missionaries that I grew up with -- okay, I hope Leonard and Janet Sankey don't think I'm trying to date them when I remember when they came through Milan, Illinois and spoke at our school. That was in the early 60's and we have followed their ministry all through these years! I'm not sure if their kids were too young to remember the times in their home in Bedford when we videotaped our kids and their kids. I lost track of my video but there were some crazy antics! We just had the two oldest girls then, I believe! Then again, I'm getting older so who knows!!

Any of those reading my blog who want to add their "remember when's" about those days gone by -- I would love to have you share those! One of the things I remember was when Betty Bass got tickled when Bro. Lelf (how do you spell his name?) was preaching a revival at the school (Asbury Bible College). He was known as the stuttering preacher and he didn't mind at all when someone had to help him out with whatever word he was stuck on at the moment. This particular time, it got so funny that Betty had to get up and leave and she laughed all the way down the aisle. I'm sure we all laughed!

I was sharing yesterday with someone about how Faith Hemmeter was our teacher at least one year and to this day, there is a special bond whenever I see her.

I remember when the Orvan Links came to speak at the school and were at our house one day. I think I mentioned this on another post. Their two boys got into my dad's car and somehow got it into neutral or some gear that allowed it to roll back down the driveway - across a busy street and into a tree! I don't remember my dad being upset about the car hitting the tree -- he was much more concerned that an oncoming car would injure the boys. No car came down the street during that time -- how thankful we were.

Okay .. so I have rambled a bit. Maybe it's because of the 50 year thing -- BMI 50 years -- the start of the Wesleyan Holiness Church, 50 years! Wow ... where has the time gone? I can't be this old yet! My oldest isn't 40 yet -- well, she's marching towards it but she isn't there yet! When she gets there -- maybe I'll begin to feel old .. although, some days I do feel a little old ... and now I will quit while I'm ahead ...


Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, I love the 'remember whens'. I have loved reading all your's. I was in awe when I read the one about the Sankey family..Mark Sankey was my Mother's pastor before she passed away. He officiated part of her funeral. That memory answered a question I had often wondered about..'How did you come to have the link for the Sankey's blog'. Now I know!! And so thankful I found that link on your blog. I, now, have also been reading Melody's blog. This is a small world we live in!!
I still have problems calling people at church by their names instead Bro. **** or Sis. ***. A few weeks ago I learned the first name of one of the ladies from the church I grew up in. For 50 yrs. all I had ever know her as was Sis. Pennington.
As always, I enjoy your blogs. Hadn't commented in awhile so thought these last few was a good time to comment. Thanks for taking me back down memory lane.

Vonnie said...

Oh yes I do remember the movie camera rolling when you were at our house in Bedford. We still get those old movie films out every now and then and watch as Bob (ie. Bro. Bedford :)) acts completely retarded. :) I think the rest of us were acting pretty retarded too. :) I only remember Roxanne at that time but maybe you had another girl too, I just can't remember. Good times!!

LaDonna said...

I am Lloyd Lance's daughter, and got to your blog through Vonnie's. You brought back a lot of memories to my mind when reading this post. I grew up in the Phoenix WHC and for all of my life I remember a picture of Glenn Griffith hanging there. We also usually had a photo of Victor Glenn on the missions bulletin board, too. Of course, this was the home church of Steve Hight's parents, and where I met Judy States Jackson. Leon Jackson married my parents and then 21 years later married me and my husband in the same church! Other names that I think of often are Don and Devonna Moore, Archie Atwell, The Victory Trio, all these were missionaries or evangelists that came to Sun Valley Camp. I never knew Joe Ruble, but did know his daughters Judy and Phyllis. Just some people I hadn't thought of in a while and thought I'd drop their names here. Thanks for the trip down the lane! :)