Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 2011

With the coming of Facebook, I'm afraid that this blog took a back seat for a while -- well, almost a year!! Sad, huh? But, it's been a busy, crazy year and in some ways, I am glad that it is behind us. A quadruple heart bypass surgery had a major impact on our lives! He is doing well for which we are so grateful.

We are so blessed by family and I was doubly blessed when the girls planned a surprise Christmas celebration (which was an absolutely total surprise) the Sunday before Christmas. After church that morning, Roxanne grabbed (almost literally) Bob and me and whispered to me, "Now, Mom, just go with the flow today." She looked at what I was wearing and approved it, then handed Bob a shirt and instructed him to change. I should have been aware something was happening when he simply took the shirt without any protest and changed into it -- a red shirt.

And then we were off to Lake Seminole Park -- the girls and their families (except for Teri's husband, Jeff) were meeting at the park for our first family professional photos in quite a few years. And Teri was already there when we arrived -- Teri is not known for being early and since Roxanne told her an earlier time, she made it. (And she even asked Roxanne, "Now you are giving me the wrong time, right?" lol!!)

What fun we had even though it was rather on the brisk side -- lots of pics and lots of fun after we came back to our house for the grandchildren to exchange gifts. What an awesome Christmas gift!! I couldn't have asked for more!!

So .. I won't ramble on but will share a couple of those pics here ...

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