Friday, January 7, 2011

Momentary Detour!

I started to post the statuses (is that a word?) from Facebook and I will get those done but wow!! I had no idea there were so many -- I think it said I had 469 or so and since there are only 365 days in a year, I guess I probably wrote more than one on a few days!! I'm not one of those who has to post whenever I am heading to the grocery store or just checked in the fridge only to find that someone in the house ate something I was hording. Since Bob is the only other person in this house right now and our interests are somewhat different (okay, a lot different), I'm not concerned about that either. Now I'm off and rambling ....

I do enjoy reading some blogs .. not a lot but a few. Especially when I know they are truly sharing their lives and not wanting to impress friends of their great accomplishments or their kids who are more than awesome  .. I enjoy real life!! The stuff you simply can't make up and one of those I thoroughly enjoy reading is Amanda Yount's (no, she didn't pay me to say this!)  I love the mix between the craziness and joy of raising four children (close in age) with learning about the love of Jesus on a daily basis. I laughed out loud at the computer today and I think Bob thought I had gone 'batty' (that's an old term the youngsters probably have never heard before!)

Sometimes when I sit down to write, words come easily and I type them out before I even think .. and then look back and say, "Wow, did I just say that?" I know ... we really need to stop thoughts inside our brains before they come out our mouths!! It can get us into big trouble!!!

Today, my thoughts are sort of hodge-podge .. rambling .. thinking .. 

This is the beginning of a new year -- like you didn't know, right? A little pet peeve of mine is people who post things that we all know!! Oops .. brain filter not working very well today!! I need to be kind!

With a new year comes resolutions and I always have some but don't want to share them too openly for fear someone might actually hold me accountable to them. Imagine that! But I do know that "they" say if you keep up doing something for 21 days in a row, it becomes a habit! So, I guess I will be exercising every day .. resolutions, ugh! I'm stopping right there .. where is that exercise machine anyway? What a way to bring a blog post to a quick close ...

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