Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Year in Review -- January

On Facebook, there is an application that I found recently, "Year in Review" .. it had almost all of my Facebook status updates listed. I was amazed at what all occurred during the last year and in reading them, I began to take a journey of ups and downs ... I thought I would post them here but will post them by the month (perhaps one a day or so).

So, here is January -- some may not make much sense but hopefully, you can sort of follow along!


It is cold. I am in Atlanta and below tonight is near 20°! Okay, so I am a thin blooded Floridian now. I hear it is cold at home, too. Brr .. .

Check out my note an excerpt from a St. Pete weather bulletin I received today. I thought the northerners would get a laugh out of this one!

Love it when grandkids are so excited when Nana picks him up from school that they yell, “Mamma Mia" and as they race to the car! The teacher was quite impressed with our RJ’s excitement today.

New one for the day: Tyler asks Sandy if he could invite RJ and Kamen over tonight for a family reunion then he suggested they have a coffee party rather than a tea party since that is for girls! Then again, he said he really didn't like coffee – he'd rather have tea but you have to call it a coffee party since it's for boys!

When I hear possible snow flurries and Florida in the same sentence, something sounds very wrong!

I love what my friend, Linda Pennington, who lives near us wrote today, “I made a New Year's resolution to walk around the block everyday but it was so cold this morning I decided to drive”!

Teri was sitting at a stoplight and looked up to see white flakes coming down for a few minutes now in Winter Haven! Now there are ice pellets, too!

Here's a good one – I was playing a Wii game with nine-year-old Tyler. Two players along with two computer players .. his question, stated with some frustration and his answer to himself, ”Am I going to lose to an animatronic object? Yes, probably!”

It is still rather – well, downright cold tonight .. it is to be 31 and for us thin blooded Floridians, that’s cold!

Please pray for our friend, Stan Schwanz, who had a massive heart attack on Saturday. They inserted a defibrillator yesterday and are doing an angiogram today. I know his wife, Laura, will appreciate our prayers as well.

It is supposed to be getting warmer .. yeah!!

Cannot comprehend the devastation in Haiti! Praying!!

Worry about warmer weather seems pretty insignificant with what is going on in Haiti! What perspective!

What we moms don’t do for our kids even when they are grown! Heard again today from my 35 year old, “Mom, you’re a lifesaver again!” Fortunately, it was something relatively simple!

Praying for our son-in-law’s (Tim) great-niece, Chloe, who is having surgery in the morning to close a hole in her heart. She is just 2 lbs 14 oz. Please pray for a successful surgery.

Chloe’s surgery went very well! Thanks for your prayers.

Heard from Sandi that our Bible Quiz team did very well.. This was Ty’s first quiz and he got a silver medal! Proud of him!

Many of my relatives are anxiously awaiting 8:15pm .. wonder why? Oh, the Colts are playing! I need to keep up on these things! J I guess I won’t try to make any “sisterly” calls during that time! That would be cruel!

The third verse to Great Is Thy Faithfulness we don’t usually sing, “Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Our God ever years His resources to share; Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.”

My grandson, Tyler, says he’d like to play the game, “Burp-o-Rama” .. whoever drinks enough Cola and makes the longest burp wins a prize! Sounds like he’s anxious to do it!

It’s a beautiful day in Florida – typical winter day – cool, but not cold! Love these days!

I think I’ll set my DVR to record American Idol tomorrow night since it’s from Orlando auditions. Maybe I’ll recognize someone .. you never know!

Enjoyed watching Kasi on American Idol tonight – got her golden ticket to take her to Hollywood!

The Orlando interviews will be shown on at midnight tonight, I understand. Click on a video and then golden ticket interview.

What a day – had no clue that Kasi would be mentioned in the newspaper, on the news, in blogs, etc. Lots of hard work for her but lots of fun, too. Love you, Kas!

I so enjoy staying at my “home away from home” .. with my brother, Tim, his wife, Susan, and their boys, Christopher and Jonathan. Michael is at UGA so will miss him.

Wishing my niece, Juliana, “Happy Birthday” today. It’s a little bitter / sweet .. she and my dad celebrated their birthdays together – my dad’s would have been tomorrow! Love you, Juliana, and wishing you a special day!

Bob is having surgery on his shoulder in the morning for an injury he got playing racquetball. They are repairing a torn tendon. We will appreciate your prayers!

Bob clarified this for me .. he has a severed tendon on top of the shoulder blade in the rotator cuff area. Thanks for your prayers!

Happy Birthday to my dad who is celebrating his first birthday in heaven today!! He would have been 85 today! While I cannot call him, I am remembering how very blessed I am to have had RC Boynton as a father! And what a legacy we have to pass on.

Talked to Bob this morning – no pain, has mobility – in good spirits. Thanking everyone for all your prayers!

I so appreciate the hospitality of my brother, Tim, his wife, Susan, and their boys! I truly feel like this is my home away from home!

I am so blessed by a wonderful family – great siblings – and we all get along and actually like each other and enjoy being together. With lots of laughter! And that hs carried down to our girls and their children! I am blessed!

I don’t usually do these status updates but decided to do this one: Hey everyone – It’s BROTHER/SISTER WEEK!! Change your profile pic to one of you and your siblings!! Let’s see how many people love their brothers and sisters.

So much for having a “sibling status” .. life took a little detour. Bob is in the hospital in Atlanta with a heart problem. – Some blockages. The doctor will discuss treatment in the morning although he doesn’t think surgery is necessary other than inserting stents at this point. We appreciate your prayers!

Well, the news was not necessarily good – but as Bob shared, “It is treatable”! I will try to get a better description to share when I see him this evening. Spent about 4 hours with him in ICU this morning. An awesome staff at a great hospital which is supposedly the best in cardiac care in Atlanta – extra certification, etc.

Thanks for all of your prayers! Bob has blockages but the doctor is treating with medication for the present time. Surgery will be sometime in the future but not now.

Bob is out of ICU and moving around. The mobility in his shoulder is awesome – can raise his arm above shoulder level – and can even scratch his head (if he takes it slowly – lol) . It’s been an eventful week – successful shoulder surgery followed by the discovery of a heart related issue a few days later. But, we know God is in control and that is what is most important!

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