Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm home ... for the moment anyway!!

Well, believe it or not, the plane was on time (arriving) and we were on time (leaving). Actually, we landed early! With all the storms in Indiana I was certain that there would be delays as there were for others who were in the airport -- some had been waiting on planes to arrive for several hours. I felt quite blessed that our plane was on time!! Needless to say, I had a very warm greeting when I arrived - temperature, that is!

I talked to Rachel and she told me that another line (or maybe more than one) of severe storms were headed their way ... again!!! They didn't have any damage at their home but north of them, it hit pretty hard .. again! I'll take our every-once-in-a-while hurricane visits any day compared to their tornadoes which can form in an instant it seems.

Now that I've shared that -- and no one probably gives a hoot about it anyway -- I'll get back to my everyday life. Well, then again, not everyday -- I sure don't like to go to the dentist every day and that is on my schedule today. Fortunately, it is not a long visit! Hurray!

So ... lest I bore anyone to tears, I think I'll stop while I'm ahead -- which actually was to share a little about absolutely nothing! Hopefully, tomorrow will be better!!

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