Thursday, December 4, 2008

I feel weird ... well, sort of ...

This evening, I made my way around the house with just a cane -- of course, it's one of those four pronged cane because I am very much balance challenged. (No comments, please!!) But, I couldn't believe how good it felt to have more control of my life than I have had for the past four months. Because you cannot carry anything and use a walker (well, there are various hiding places you can use), I usually went to the kitchen in a wheelchair. I could get out of it but could also put things on my lap and wheel myself around with my feet. Not a pretty picture, I know.

So, this evening when I got in the refrigerator to get some iced tea, I thought, "Wow, this looks different." Of course, I knew right away that I was actually looking down rather than looking up!!

The stationary bike is a great way to exercise. I used to ride a bike a lot when I was a child. Somehow, I'm not sure if anyone would want to be on the same road with me now! So, it's best that I simply stay in place and make the world a safer place - for me and everyone else

I looked down at Ava today as she was sleeping peacefully in my arms (which she loves to do -- put her down and her little eyes pop right open) and I realized again how much she looks like Roxanne. It was a little unsettling today and I wanted to check a calendar to make sure I hadn't been transported back in time.

So ... I think I am almost on a roll now ... no, I take that back -- for the past three+ months I've been on a roll .. now, I'm just walking and hoping that my balance stays balanced!

By the way, thanks for your prayers. I am sure they were a very important part of the healing process.

1 comment:

Bette said...

She is absolutely beautiful and does look like a baby Roxanne. What a joy it must be to have her there in your home and able to see her whenever you want. Enjoy...bette