Thursday, October 18, 2007

Am I old???

That depends entirely on the day!! Today was one of those interesting days. I've been meaning to walk -- like every day. Meaning to walk ... did I get it accomplished? No really. I've been motivated somewhat by my brother, Tim, who spends an hour on his treadmill every afternoon. I arrived at his home in Atlanta a couple weeks ago as he was coming out the door into his garage. "I'll see you in an hour ... gotta walk!" Wow ... he's not usually one into walking but he has been keeping up with his schedule. I think he may have even passed the 21 day mark so it should be habit by now. Wish I were so motivated.

My girls are great .. they've offered to walk with me around the park .. 2 miles to walk all the way around it. We have managed to walk in our neighborhood which is a 2 mile walk -- unless you come back the short way. (Yeah, how do I know the short cut, right?) But, it's hot out there ... still. Don't worry -- doesn't make me want to move north! In January, I will be SO thankful for our relatively warm days.

But, today, I bit the bullet. (What does that mean anyway?) Sandi, Tyler and I ventured out into the Seminole Mall and began our walk where it was cool. I wasn't sure if this mall was really geared to walkers until I saw a big banner -- "Welcome, Seminole Walkers" ... okay, so I feel at home now. I live in Seminole -- I'm wanting to become a walker so I can do this. We put Tyler in a stroller, handed him a comic book which would keep him occupied for about 40 minutes and off we went. 3-1/2 times around the mall today. Okay, it's not as big as Tyrone Mall but we made several twists and turns to get in as many steps as we could. I was so proud! (Don't laugh!!!)

So .... Roxanne called me as we were leaving and I told her I had walked. You would have thought I had won a lottery (stretching it, I know!) Then, I told her that I was so happy that there was a "Seminole Mall Walking Club". Her comment was priceless, "They set that up for old people." I thought I'd beat her at her own game -- "Well, I guess I qualify. I'm old now!" She did make me feel a little better when she insisted, "You are not OLD, Mom!"

I did remember yesterday when I dropped Kasi off at her cheerleading practice. She was on the phone (it is permanently attached to her ear, I'm sure) and I heard her say, "I'm riding in the car with my nana. Yeah, my nana!" She tells me I am a "cool" nana so I guess I fit in somewhere between old and young -- I'm definitely closer in age to the old but seem to somehow relate to the young, too. (Kasi thinks I do quite well at Christmas time when I buy her clothes!) I guess if I can fit into a photo booth with three granddaughters and act silly with them, well maybe I am not completely over the hill. Thank goodness ...

Oh, and if I can make a fool of myself for Tyler at his birthday party, singing a crazy rendition of "We're The Pirates That Don't Do Anything", maybe I can still consider myself young at heart?!

I will still be walking at Seminole Mall and maybe become a member of the 'walker's club'!! But, I won't be considering myself old .. not quite yet!!!

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