Okay, my dad is now well over 81 years old and somehow I see the word "Wanted" stamped on his forehead. Not actually -- but a sweet little old lady (okay, sweet might be stretching it just a little) where he lives has decided that he surely must be hers! At least, she is following him everywhere and getting quite huffy when any female turns her attention towards him. That is quite entertaining when it is his 20 year old granddaughter or his daughter (okay, Rachel, I won't tell your age -- but ...). This lady was quite put out when she thought he had a 'new miss' recently and she was quick to express that opinion. She usually waits until my dad leaves the dining room to leave, but when Jene' stopped to see him, she was not very happy at all! Jene' works there at Glenn Oaks and tries to visit Grandpa when she can. But, Opal was pretty put out.
She (Opal) has become so persistent that I understand that last night, her daughters had to pull her out of my dad's room, take her to her room and shut the door behind them. She thinks nothing of barging into my dad's room!! Her mind doesn't always seem to be on target so she may perceive my dad as being someone from the past or perhaps she just wants a man at this stage of her life. Whatever the case, my dad has taken up studying evasive tactics. (Isn't that something he should have learned in the military service many years ago.) He is so gracious that he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but I think he is toying with the idea of having to just lay it on the line!
She sometimes parks her walker at the nurses station to wait for her 'wanted man' ... I'm sure my dad's blood pressure soars a few points and it's not because he is enamored by her presence. I think it's rather .. "Where is the closest exit ... here comes Opal!!"
She tried to follow him into his room recently so he decided to walk her home .. well, rather drive her home -- no, that's not right either. He's in a scooter, she's on a walker -- what a combination they are! Oh, how I wish I had my "Flip Video" handy so we could record this for posterity! He can't see very well but I think we would all get a good laugh about it. Mark especially!! You could probably hear his laugh from one end of the hallway to another.
Fortunately, my dad is a gracious person -- yet, at this time in his life, he doesn't take too kindly to be chased down the hall by a woman with a walker. I'm really glad he passed his driver's test (the test given to those who have scooters -- and, yes, it's a pretty tough test -- can't run into any walls, you know ...)! At least, he can outrun her -- but chances are, she'll be waiting by the nurses station -- and you can't get there from here -- you can't get to his room without passing "go" so I'm sure he will have another Opal story to tell. Unless her daughters convince her to "leave that man alone"! I guess at her age, she doesn't worry to much about rules and perhaps she doesn't remember them once they are told to her -- so my dad will remind her again ... "Opal, go to your room!"
too hilarious Mom!
Oops -- I forgot that my dad is 82 now! How's that for my memory!!!
This is really funny!!
That is too funny!!
Terri Russell
This certainly is a new outlook on the Bro. Boynton I remember. Love it...bette
This is so amusing. I could envision each comical scene! Thank the Lord for his scooter!!!!
Noni Knapp
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